(The Gavs hazrat mentioned in the story is the blessed fathers of gavsı sani seyyid Abdulbaki who now reside in the village of Kahta in Adıyaman city)

Hajjı idris was  originally from Siirt city and he was disciple -mürid-  of Gavs Seyyid  Abdulhakim  El hüseyni – May Allah sanctify his secrets -,hajji idris  , which served near of his Sheikh , was good sufi.

While my older son and his younger brother were playing, my older son touched the hot iron (shish) in the burning stove to his brothers eye.

We got the news when we heard the screaming voices. I took the my son to Siirt State Hospital as soon as I grabbed. I found Osman Bey, the only ophthalmologist of the hospital. But the child’s cry made the whole hospital groan, and it was very painful. no matter what I do, the child kept screaming.

Dr. Osman examined the eye and sadly, this eye is gone, let’s save the other one. It is also a possible to recover. surgical operation is necessary.but we do not have the necessary equipment in this hospital, he prepared a referral paper and said that urgently bring it to Diyarbakır’s hosiptal, I hope they would save the other eye.

We arrived at the hospital in diyarbakır without wasting any time, but the doctors were gone because it was too late.

hospital workers said that we could not stay in the hospital any longer because of the child’s cries and we had to think about the other patients and they said bring the child in the morning.

The child was so hurt that he was crying until he was exhausted from crying, he fainted from the pain, as soon as his consciousness came, he continued to cry with the same pain

We started looking for the hotel to stay , but no hotel let us to stay because of our situation-our child was crying- , although I said give two rooms next to each other and get more price, nobody accepted us.

In this case, I said oh ya rabbi ! where shall we go.

At that moment, sofi Dr Ahmet (Ahmet ÇAĞIL) came to my mind

,I knew his house, we were old and good friends, we headed there.When we got close to him, ı said my family to stay a little back,because the time was too late.ı said my family that ı would see him.I arrived and knocked on his door.

Doctor Ahmet asked who was at the door? I said, hajı idris

As soon as he opened it, he stepped out and said, “ be quiet, there was Mohammed Rashid inside (Gavs Abdulhakim k.s’s son).

Doctor Ahmet, we were also getting ready to go to bed. was there any problem, hajı idris ? I also sadly presented our condition, my word was not finished yet ( Muhammed Rashid ,Gavs Abdulhakim k.s’s son). Called from inside. Who was he, Ahmet Idris’s voice, who was coming? Dr Ahmet said he was hajı idris kurban.

He said tell idris to come in. I arrived crying too and I told what happened in a cry. he told me take the boy, come and calm down, don’t worry, He said you people from Siirt were very worried people.

The child was crying a lot, even though I said he would make you uncomfortable for the reason, he said to go  and get the child and bring him.

Muhammed Rashid k.s  took the boy in his arms and prayed to him, the child was getting silent. Meanwhile, He slowly opened the tape on his eye and called out to Dr. Ahmet, he said, “ Do you have terramycin ointment ?

 (an eye ointment. Doctor Ahmet said yes There was …. Bring some of the ointment, I hoped it would be healing and he applied the ointment well, Then he turned to me and told me not to be afraid, to surrender to (saadatlar k.s.) At the same time the boy fell asleep. he said ok now go and sleep.

We got ready and went to our room. I was afraid that the boy would woke up and crying. But I looked and he was sleeping with great peace and that made my heart peaciful.

In the middle of the night

When the boy said he wanted to go to the toilet, I took the child and took him to the toilet. Subhanallah I said. the child did not cry at all.

After toilet, I could not stand my curiosity and took off the bandage from his eye.

When I closed his open and seeing eye with my hand and said my son, What was the number I showed with my hand ? when he answered -2-  true number , ı said ^^ALLAHUEKBER^^.

Well, I asked my son if your eyes hurt. He said no, there was no pain.

I did not sleep anymore until the morning, we informed Dr. Ahmet and went to the hospital, the doctors who read the referral sheet were immediately alarmed and they prepared the operating room and took the child to the operation.

After a little while, the doctor came with a big rage, , were you kidding? We were almost going to operate on the healthy eye of the child. He said a lot to the doctor who wrote the referral note angrily and said take the child.

I left the hospital with great joy and when I opened the bandage again in the car and said what was this and what was this, he answered all of them correctly.

I came in siirt city with joy and said I would show my son to doctor Osman, before I got home.

When Dr.Osman opened the bandage of the boy and examined it, he turned to me and, in surprise, Idris said this is not a medical job (not a human job), tell me this urgently. I said let me put the child home

After telling what happened, the doctor said, let’s go and visit that person. I said the time was too late to visit. be ready for the morning prayer.

We set out in the morning with the call to prayer and visited Gavs (Abdulhakim Al-Huseyni Ks) in the menzil. Doctor Osman became a very nice sufi and visited him at every opportunity.

When doctor osman was appointed to other city , he  went for final visit.Gavs k.s offered him a lot,

Gavs k.s  was very sincere with him, advised him to go slowly and be careful. and advised him to have ablution constantly.

Dr. Osman had a traffic accident on that journey and passed away

İts from Engin

Note: ıf there are some sentences ın red clour above.  I  write them to make clearly undertanding. Normally these sentences dont exıst in originale history of hajı idris

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