GavsHazret , whichwasmentioned in thishistory ,wasBlessedfather of Gavsisaniseyyid Abdulbaki thatrecentlylives in Kahta Menzil villageof Adıyaman city .
Hajjıidriswasoriginallyfrom Siirt cityandhe wasdisciple ( mürid ) of GavsSeyyidAbdulhakim El hüseyni – May Allah sanctify his secrets -,hajjiidris ,whichservednear of his Sheikh, wasgoodsufi.
Twotribesfoughteachother, 6 peopledied in Kozluk districtduetothemunicipalelection.
leader of one of thetribesaskedforhelpfrom
( Abdulhakim el hüseyni ).
Wewentfromgadirivillageto Kozluk provinceandwestayed in thehome
GavsHazrat , idris, goandcallMayortomosque,said. wewould be waitingforyou in there.
be careful ! Introduce yourself when you approached the house so they would not hit you.said by gavs
I went there. I introduced myself out loud as I approached home.they accepted me to enter into home.ı said that gavshazrat was waiting for them.
thesituationwassocriticalthatthebodies of thedeceasedpeoplewereleft on thestreet, nobody ( sides ) could lift theirbodies.
The mayor said to me go tell him I’would not come.
I returned the mosque.kurban, they were not coming,I said.
Gavshazrat got angry. tell them to come here,he said.
iwentthereagain. I saidthatGavshazratwantedthemtocometothemosqueimmediately.
he had onegroupseated on the his rightand had theotherseated on the his left.
Gavshazratgavethemprofoundadvice. He askedthemtomakepeace.
Theysaidno, wecould not makepeace.
when they calmed down , Gavshazrat said that wedidn’tcome here alone.KnowthattherewasHazratk.s ( Muhammed diyauddin ) on oneside of me and Şahı hazne ( Ahmedülhaznevi )on theotherside of me.ifyoudid not accept, ıtwould not be goodforyou.
Reconsiderandmakemakepeace , Gavshazratsaid.
theatmospheresuddenlychanged, like a wind blew.
Theysaid ok wemadepeace but whataboutthebodieskilled ?
Gavssaid , bothsidewouldhave a jointfuneralcerenomyforallpeople of allsidedied.nofuneralseparation. Afterfuneral ,
a bigfeastincludingmealwould be prepared.
Beforethefuneral ,everypersonwouldmakepeace.
Thepeople of bothtribeswould sit togetherduringthe meal. Gavssaid.
Andthan he keptsayingthat , wewouldvisitthemayorandPublicprosecutor. Wehopedsothattheywouldacceptedthispeace in governmentallevelandtheywould do whatwasrequired.
Necessaryactionsweretaken.mealswereeaten.Everyone embraced each other.
Saadatlar left with blessing..
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